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Sponsor a Child or Race

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If you have any further comments, questions, or concerns please contact us by clicking the button below.

Sponsorship Q&A


What does a sponsorship for a child/kart entitle?

Money obtained for the lower level sponsorship will go towards tire and kart maintenance and repair, and travel expenses for bigger races. For:

$360 - provides a new body  and wrap with your company logo.

$200 - provides a decal of your company (or supported
           organization/ or your name if sponsoring as an individual)

           for the season.

$100 - provides a decal of your company (or supported     

            organization/ or your name if sponsoring as an individual) for       two weekends (one weekend per track)

$75 - provides a decal of your company (or supported     

          organization/ or your name if sponsoring as an individual)                  for one weekend (choose your track)

*We also accept monthly sponsorships at any price range - please reach out to us for details. 


What does a sponsorship for a child/race entitle?

For every race there is a Registration Fee per child. Sponsoring a child/race will cover that Fee for 1 child. For:

$30 - provides 1 Registration Fee to be covered that weekend per child


What does my donation cover?

Sponsors who wish not to have a personal, or organizational, decal placed on karts can choose  to donate. Money raised through donations will go into kart and tire upkeep, and travel expenses for larger races.


How do I sponsor or donate?

To sponsor or donate please take a moment to fill out the form.  We will be notified.

In the comment section please include an amount in which you would like to contribute, and the name or organization name that will be advertised (depending on sponsor preference/level). Please also include your PayPal, Cash App, or Venmo tag so that we may send a request/invoice to you.

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